24TH Days of Open Systems
Croatian Linux Users’ Conference

31 MAY 2017 - 02 JUNE 2017

FER, Zagreb, Croatia

Kako koristeći otvoreni hardver i wifi mesh mreže spasiti živote ljudima u kriznim situacijama / Using open hardware and mesh networking to save lives


Volunteers from Otvorena mreža community lead by Valent Turkovic during the refugee crisis managed to provide internet connectivity to people in need as well as to connect field teams from biggest NGOs like Greenpeace and Red Cross to their HQ, because their attempts to do so failed. During that effort idea of completely different way of rebuilding communication during disaster response was born, and a new kind of device; completely autonomous, open source and open hardware drop in solution called MeshPoint.


Valent Turkovic

Entuzijast i evangelist slobodnog i otvorenog softvera, osnovač #labOS hackerspacea, preko 12 godina iskustva u izgranji bežičnih mreža, preko 9 godina inženjerskog iskustva u izgradnji telekomunikacijske infrastrukture, te radu na svim tipovima mrežne opreme, položen CCNA certifikat, pokrenuo Linux distribuciju Fusion Linux (sada ugašena), 4 godine iskusta kao embeded Linux inžinjere, entuzijast OpenWrt embedded OS-a, pokreno projekt Otvorena mreža, pomagao izbjeglicama i humanitarnim organizacijama tijekom Sirijske izbjegličke krize tijekom 2015 i 2016 pružanjem intenet veze u najtežim uvjetima na terenu, kao rezultat djelovanja osmislio MeshPoint wifi router za krizne situacije i osnovao tvrtku Crisis Innovation Lab.


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